Caution: This blog post is for the super strong, the super curious, and the super determined types. If you are NOT proficient with your pull up training just yet, please refer to our previous posts on how to train for the tactical pull up. This post has been written under the assumption that you, the […]
A Pull-UP Epiphany: Switch Yo’ Grip Up!
Have you ever had one of those “DDDDUUUURRRRR!!!!!” moments when something completely obvious just hits you right upside your head? Having practiced and dialed in my own pull-up training for a number of years (yes. . .YEARS) you would think that I would have this lift down to a science. I am forever reminded and […]
Enter Ye the Drop Set: Training for The Weighted Pull-Up
Now that I don’t have another kettlbell certification to worry about for another year or so, I decided to take the time to structure the weighted pull up training that was originally programmed for me via Karen Smith. I wanted to discuss a training tip today that I learned from that Master Herself when it […]
Got 15 Minutes? Quick Training for Busy Bees!
I have a timely blog post for you today, as I find myself writing this in a coffee shop with multiple errands on my schedule and tons of work to get done today. I can relate with you on this, those of you reading this that feel too pressed for time to find the time […]
Get Your Kettlebells To GO!- Workout Anywhere, Anytime, With Anyone
I am gearing up for another few weeks of travel here. First stop, Mansfield Ohio for a Strongfirst Seminar. Soon after that, I am off to Asheville North Carolina for one of the most (if not THE MOST) important business meetings of my life. When I gear up for all my epic road trips, […]
Healthy Habits for Breaking Up With Sugar- Alexandra Barone
Healthy Habits for Breaking Up With Sugar We’re here in the lovely autumn month of November, and while the tricks may cease, the treats will probably take a little longer to die out. Maybe you’re a devoted parent who spent Halloween weekend taking the little ones door to door for the sweet stuff. Perhaps you’re just a […]
Grip Variations for Pull Ups- Ryan Williams, PCC
Since September is pull up month here at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, I’m going to take a look at grip position and the differences between the variations. First the basics-Overhand grip(Palms away from you) is a pull up. Underhand grip (Palms toward you) is a chin up. A neutral grip is with your palms facing each […]
2015: The Year of the Strongs!
Over the weekend I was challenged to do my Level II military press on camera with precision. In order to pass a level II kettlebell certification as a woman, you must execute a 1/3 body weight strict military press. My testing weight for my certification was a 20kg bell, which is 44 pounds (side note: […]
Tension Training for Pull Up Mastery: It Ain’t All in Your Traps!
I was given a task about three months ago to help Ryan Williams, our newest trainer at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, to master his pull ups that he was having difficulty with at the time. During our first session, I noticed that much of Ryan’s pulling came directly from his trap muscles. Over the course of […]